Having a kid gave me an excuse not to have sex with my spouse
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😑 i always want it but....... i dunno why he looks like don’t want it anymore like our first time together since married. 😩 after i gavebirth her first daughter hmmmmmm waiting outside the lone 😌💨

VIP Member

Kids are a blessing but they should not be a hindrance for couple to have their intimacy

Disagree.... The more we should try to sneak out time to do it.

After marriage must form a family to make is complete & not excuse.

Sometimes it becomes my reason. "No we can't, baby might awake".

In the first place, why can’t have sex? Why must find excuse?

Sort of although I know is not right

False.We do sex everyday even we have a kids

VIP Member

Not at all .. it’s depends on mindset